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Version: 2.0



A system defines a unique set of holders, credentials, groups, and rules. These entities can by synced with one or more cloud nodes, where each cloud node represents a distinct geographic location. For example, consider a company with a corporate office in one city and a warehouse in a neighboring city. Each location would require its own cloud node, but some employees may need access to both locations. In this scenario, both cloud nodes could be connected to a single system, allowing holders, credentials, groups, and rules to be shared between them. You can learn more about the PDK topology here.

The system object

"id": "9b9ec144-7276-40bf-9a7c-47d3547314a8",
"name": "Test System",
"description": "This is a test description.",
"ouId": "6539a1d5f362be88d52dc94d",
"created": "2023-10-25T23:16:37.959Z",
"reportingPlan": "basic",
"credentialSelfHelp": {
"enabled": true,
"monthlyLimit": 1
"cloudNodes": [
"id": "7d829ff4-53e8-4d76-8762-1022ccdeae39",
"name": "Test Cloud Node",
"description": null,
"created": "2023-09-27T22:21:56.671Z",
"serialNumber": "1234ABC"
"locale": "en",
"timezone": "UTC",
"cardFormat": {
"id": "234dbdbf-cf29-4b0b-ba4f-acac68274ba8",
"description": "Standard 26-bit Format",
"min_input_bits": 9,
"max_input_bits": 64,
"facility_code": "NOT_ENFORCED"
"offlinePolicy": 1,
"killTimer": 259200,
"syncStatus": {
"synced": true,
"details": {
"timestamp": "2023-10-31T14:08:03.000Z"
idStringThe system ID.
nameStringThe system name.
descriptionStringThe system description.
ouIdStringThe ID of the organization associated with the system.
createdStringAn ISO 8601 timestamp representing the time at which the system was created.
reportingPlanStringThe selected reporting plan. Possible values include basic, standard, and premium.
credentialSelfHelp.enabledBooleanWhether credential self-help is enabled.
credentialSelfHelp.monthlyLimitIntegerThe monthly limit for credential self-help resets (if enabled).
cloudNodesObject[]An array of partial cloud node objects representing the cloud nodes associated with the system.
localeStringAn ISO 639-1 language code representing the preferred language for the system. This can be customized for individual cloud nodes, but new cloud nodes will inherit this system setting.
timezoneStringThe system time zone in TZ notation. This can be customized for individual cloud nodes, but new cloud nodes will inherit this system setting.
The default card format. This may also be an array of card format objects. This can be customized for individual cloud nodes, but new cloud nodes will inherit this system setting.
cardFormat.idStringThe card format ID.
cardFormat.descriptionStringThe card format description.
cardFormat.min_input_bitsIntegerThe minimum number of bits allowed in the data packet transmitted by the reader.
cardFormat.max_input_bitsIntegerThe maximum number of bits allowed in the data packet transmitted by the reader.
cardFormat.facility_codeStringHow facility codes are enforced. ENFORCED means facility codes are enforced on a per-credential basis, FILTER_LIST means only the facility codes specified in the allowed_facility_codes parameter are allowed, and NOT_ENFORCED means facility codes are ignored.
offlinePolicyIntegerHow the system behaves if it's offline and unable to acquire the current time. 0 means only users with e-cards will be allowed, 1 means only users with 24×7 access will be allowed, and 2 means all users with credentials will be allowed, regardless of the time (i.e. schedules will be ignored). This can be customized for individual cloud nodes, but new cloud nodes will inherit this system setting.
killTimerIntegerThe amount of time (in seconds) the system is allowed to remain offline before reverting to emergency card (e-card) access only. The default value is 259200 (3 days). This can be customized for individual cloud nodes, but new cloud nodes will inherit this system setting.
syncStatus.syncedBooleanWhether or not the system is synced with its cloud nodes.
syncStatus.details.timestampStringAn ISO 8601 timestamp representing the last time the system synced with its cloud nodes.

Basic Endpoints


There is no endpoint for creating a system directly. New systems are created automatically when creating a customer. You can learn more about the PDK topology here.

Retrieve a system


GET{{system_id}} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.


The response contains a system object.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"id": "9b9ec144-7276-40bf-9a7c-47d3547314a8",
"name": "Test System",
"description": "This is a test description.",
"ouId": "6539a1d5f362be88d52dc94d",
"created": "2023-10-25T23:16:37.959Z",
"reportingPlan": "basic",
"credentialSelfHelp": {
"enabled": true,
"monthlyLimit": 1
"cloudNodes": [
"id": "7d829ff4-53e8-4d76-8762-1022ccdeae39",
"name": "Test Cloud Node",
"description": null,
"created": "2023-09-27T22:21:56.671Z",
"serialNumber": "1234ABC"
"locale": "en",
"timezone": "UTC",
"cardFormat": {
"id": "234dbdbf-cf29-4b0b-ba4f-acac68274ba8",
"description": "Standard 26-bit Format",
"min_input_bits": 9,
"max_input_bits": 64,
"facility_code": "NOT_ENFORCED"
"offlinePolicy": 1,
"killTimer": 259200,
"syncStatus": {
"synced": true,
"details": {
"timestamp": "2023-10-31T14:08:03.000Z"

Update a system


PATCH{{system_id}} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
Content-Type: application/json

"description": "This is a test description.",
"credentialSelfHelp": {
"enabled": true,
"monthlyLimit": 1
"locale": "en",
"timezone": "UTC",
"cardFormat": {
"id": "234dbdbf-cf29-4b0b-ba4f-acac68274ba8"
"offlinePolicy": 1,
"killTimer": 259200
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
system_tokenPathStringYesA valid system token.
descriptionBodyStringNoThe system description.
credentialSelfHelp.enabledBodyBooleanNoWhether credential self-help should be enabled.
credentialSelfHelp.monthlyLimitBodyIntegerNoThe monthly limit for credential self-help resets (if enabled).
localeBodyStringNoAn ISO 639-1 language code representing the preferred language for the system. This can be customized for individual cloud nodes, but new cloud nodes will inherit this system setting.
timezoneBodyStringNoThe system time zone in TZ notation. This can be customized for individual cloud nodes, but new cloud nodes will inherit this system setting.
NoThe default card format. This may also be an array of card format objects. This can be customized for individual cloud nodes, but new cloud nodes will inherit this system setting.
cardFormat.idBodyStringYesThe card format ID.
offlinePolicyBodyIntegerNoHow the system should behave if it's offline and unable to acquire the current time. 0 means only users with e-cards will be allowed, 1 means only users with 24×7 access will be allowed, and 2 means all users with credentials will be allowed, regardless of the time (i.e. schedules will be ignored). This can be customized for individual cloud nodes, but new cloud nodes will inherit this system setting.
killTimerBodyIntegerNoThe amount of time (in seconds) the system is allowed to remain offline before reverting to emergency card (e-card) access only. The default value is 259200 (3 days). This can be customized for individual cloud nodes, but new cloud nodes will inherit this system setting.


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Create a system token


POST{{system_id}}/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{id_token}}
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
id_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid ID token.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"token": "..."

Search a system

This endpoint allows you to search for holders, groups, and floor groups within a system.


GET{{system_id}}/search?q=test HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.
qQueryStringYesA case-insensitive search query.


The response contains an array of results.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"id": "3a1d8a29-efb3-44cf-94f2-8acbb4acf728",
"type": "holder",
"name": "John Wiegand",
"image": ""
"id": "b3c431d1-aa64-4b74-aa20-65575b17b557",
"type": "group",
"name": "Test Group"
idIntegerThe ID of the entity.
typeStringThe entity type. Possible values include holder, group, and floor group.
nameStringThe name of the entity.
imageStringThe url of the holder's photo. This only applies if type is set to holder.

Retrieve the status of a system


GET{{system_id}}/status HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.


"elevatorsPresent": false,
"facilityCodes": "supported",
"cloudNodes": [
"serialNumber": "1234ABC",
"id": "0becb612-2830-4fca-8c44-f3db11234443",
"name": "Test Cloud Node",
"hardware": [
"id": "7ac5d3ff-63ba-4f4b-98f7-543423123",
"type": "controller",
"connection": {
"id": "1d761b69-a25d-4ce6-ad5e-7112344ww2",
"name": "Test Connection",
"type": "usb"
"wirelessAddress": "",
"firmwareVersion": "2.0.17",
"hardwareVersion": "red1cn.1c",
"serialNumber": "8013242",
"connectionStatus": {
"connected": true,
"details": {
"timestamp": "2024-05-13T14:48:34.000Z"
"overcurrent": false,
"undervoltage": false,
"lowPowerMode": false,
"batteryChargeCategory": "N",
"batteryHealth": "U",
"inputPowerOn": true,
"peripheralPowerOn": true,
"recentComlosses": [],
"unstableConnection": false,
"syncStatus": {
"synced": true,
"details": {
"timestamp": "2024-06-10T16:10:01.000Z"
"connectionStatus": {
"connected": true,
"details": {
"timestamp": "2024-05-29T20:29:49.000Z"
"syncStatus": {
"synced": true,
"details": {}
"softwareVersion": {
"cnbackend": "2.1.1",
"saserver": "2.1.4"
"macAddress": "b8:ff:aa:25:ff:ec",
"ipv4Address": "",
"ipv6Address": "afef:a5bb:sefs:fsdf:ba27:ebff:fe25:fwef"
"killTimer": 259200