Maps allow users to visualize their access control system by assigning coordinates to devices. There are two types of maps:
- Local maps are based on user-provided images, with coordinates provided as pixel values relative to the top left corner of each image. A system may contain multiple local maps.
- Global maps are based on third-party mapping services (like Google Maps), with coordinates provided as geographical latitude and longitude values. A system may only contain one global map.
Note that currently only supports local maps, but global maps may be utilized by third-party applications.
The map object
- Local
- Global
"id": "0b4078ac-f150-46d2-b320-b0a0544f8bfd",
"name": "Test Map 1",
"description": "Test Map 1",
"partitions": ["619cceb0-ac58-4b15-a8ec-32efcb0476ba"],
"type": "local",
"imageUrl": "",
"opacity": 100,
"iconSize": "M",
"devices": [
"id": "f90bef5c-1a2b-4763-9fc4-f059c6fd55ba",
"displayName": true,
"x": 100,
"y": 100
"links": [
"id": "9c179bb0-b669-4921-a380-fbd60b0a44ed",
"name": "Test Map 2",
"x": 200,
"y": 200
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | The map ID. |
name | String | The map name. |
description | String | The map description. |
partitions | String[] | The partition IDs associated with this map. |
type | String | The map type. Possible values include local and global . |
imageUrl | String | The URL of the user-provided map image. |
opacity | Integer | The image opacity. |
iconSize | String | The icon size. Possible values include S , M , and L . |
devices | Object[] | An array of devices and their accompanying coordinates. | | String | The device ID. |
devices.displayName | Boolean | Whether the device name is displayed alongside the icon. |
devices.x | Integer | The horizontal pixel coordinate of the device relative to the top left of the image. |
devices.y | Integer | The vertical pixel coordinate of the device relative to the top left of the image. |
links | Object[] | An array of linked maps and their accompanying coordinates. | | String | The linked map ID. |
links.x | Integer | The horizontal pixel coordinate of the linked map relative to the top left of the image. |
links.y | Integer | The vertical pixel coordinate of the linked map relative to the top left of the image. |
"id": "0b4078ac-f150-46d2-b320-b0a0544f8bfd",
"name": "Test Map 1",
"description": "Test Map 1",
"type": "global",
"latitude": 40.5052747,
"longitude": -111.8931252,
"zoom": 17,
"iconSize": "M",
"devices": [
"id": "f90bef5c-1a2b-4763-9fc4-f059c6fd55ba",
"displayName": true,
"latitude": 40.5052747,
"longitude": -111.8931252
"links": [
"id": "9c179bb0-b669-4921-a380-fbd60b0a44ed",
"name": "Test Map 2",
"latitude": 40.7765786,
"longitude": -112.0028844
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | The map ID. |
name | String | The map name. |
description | String | The map description. |
type | String | The map type. Possible values include local and global . |
latitude | Number | The latitude of the initial center position of the map. |
longitude | Number | The longitude of the initial center position of the map. |
zoom | Integer | The initial zoom level of the map. |
iconSize | String | The icon size. Possible values include S , M , and L . |
devices | Object[] | An array of devices and their accompanying coordinates. | | String | The device ID. |
devices.displayName | Boolean | Whether the device name is displayed alongside the icon. |
devices.latitude | Number | The latitudinal component of the device coordinate. |
devices.longitude | Number | The longitudinal component of the device coordinate. |
links | Object[] | An array of linked maps and their accompanying coordinates. | | String | The linked map ID. |
links.latitude | Number | The latitudinal component of the linked map coordinate. |
links.longitude | Number | The longitudinal component of the linked map coordinate. |
Basic Endpoints
Create a map
- Local
- Global
POST{{system_id}}/maps HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "Test Map 1",
"description": "Test Map 1",
"partitions": ["619cceb0-ac58-4b15-a8ec-32efcb0476ba"],
"type": "local",
"image": "",
"opacity": 100,
"devices": [
"id": "f90bef5c-1a2b-4763-9fc4-f059c6fd55ba",
"displayName": true,
"x": 100,
"y": 100
"links": [
"id": "9c179bb0-b669-4921-a380-fbd60b0a44ed",
"name": "Test Map 2",
"x": 200,
"y": 200
Parameter | Location | Type | Required | Description |
system_id | Path | String | Yes | The system ID. |
system_token | Header | String | Yes | A valid system token. |
name | Body | String | Yes | The map name. This must be unique within a system. |
description | Body | String | Yes | The map description. This must be unique within a system. |
partitions | Body | String[] | Yes | The partition IDs associated with this map. |
type | Body | String | Yes | The map type. Possible values include local and global . |
image | Body | String | Yes | The map image encoded as a data URL. |
opacity | Body | Integer | No | The image opacity. Adjusting the opacity may help improve the readability of overlaid text. The minimum value is 0 (default) and the maximum value is 100. While not strictly required, this value should always be specified since the image will otherwise be invisible by default. |
iconSize | Body | String | No | The icon size. Possible values include S , M , and L . |
devices | Body | Object[] | Yes | An array of devices and their accompanying coordinates. | | Body | String | Yes | The device ID. |
devices.displayName | Body | Boolean | Yes | Whether the device name should be displayed alongside the icon. |
devices.x | Body | Integer | Yes | The horizontal pixel coordinate of the device relative to the top left of the image. |
devices.y | Body | Integer | Yes | The vertical pixel coordinate of the device relative to the top left of the image. |
links | Body | Object[] | Yes | An array of linked maps and their accompanying coordinates. | | Body | String | Yes | The linked map ID. |
links.x | Body | Integer | Yes | The horizontal pixel coordinate of the linked map relative to the top left of the image. |
links.y | Body | Integer | Yes | The vertical pixel coordinate of the linked map relative to the top left of the image. |
POST{{system_id}}/maps HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "Test Map 1",
"description": "Test Map 1",
"type": "global",
"latitude": 40.5052747,
"longitude": -111.8931252,
"zoom": 17,
"devices": [
"id": "f90bef5c-1a2b-4763-9fc4-f059c6fd55ba",
"displayName": true,
"latitude": 40.5052747,
"longitude": -111.8931252
"links": [
"id": "9c179bb0-b669-4921-a380-fbd60b0a44ed",
"name": "Test Map 2",
"latitude": 40.7765786,
"longitude": -112.0028844
Parameter | Location | Type | Required | Description |
system_id | Path | String | Yes | The system ID. |
system_token | Header | String | Yes | A valid system token. |
name | Body | String | Yes | The map name. This must be unique within a system. |
description | Body | String | Yes | The map description. This must be unique within a system. |
type | Body | String | Yes | The map type. Possible values include local and global . |
latitude | Body | Number | Yes | The latitude of the initial center position of the map. |
longitude | Body | Number | Yes | The longitude of the initial center position of the map. |
zoom | Body | Integer | Yes | The initial zoom level of the map. The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 19 . |
iconSize | Body | String | No | The icon size. Possible values include S , M , and L . |
devices | Body | Object[] | Yes | An array of devices and their accompanying coordinates. | | Body | String | Yes | The device ID. |
devices.displayName | Body | Boolean | Yes | Whether the device name should be displayed alongside the icon. |
devices.latitude | Body | Number | Yes | The latitudinal component of the device coordinate. |
devices.longitude | Body | Number | Yes | The longitudinal component of the device coordinate. |
links | Body | Object[] | Yes | An array of linked maps and their accompanying coordinates. | | Body | String | Yes | The linked map ID. |
links.latitude | Body | Number | Yes | The latitudinal component of the linked map coordinate. |
links.longitude | Body | Number | Yes | The longitudinal component of the linked map coordinate. |
The response contains the ID of the newly created map object.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "0b4078ac-f150-46d2-b320-b0a0544f8bfd"
Retrieve a map
GET{{system_id}}/maps/{{map_id}} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
Parameter | Location | Type | Required | Description |
system_id | Path | String | Yes | The system ID. |
map_id | Path | String | Yes | The map ID. |
system_token | Header | String | Yes | A valid system token. |
The response contains a map object.
- Local
- Global
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "0b4078ac-f150-46d2-b320-b0a0544f8bfd",
"name": "Test Map 1",
"description": "Test Map 1",
"partitions": ["619cceb0-ac58-4b15-a8ec-32efcb0476ba"],
"type": "local",
"imageUrl": "",
"opacity": 100,
"iconSize": "M",
"devices": [
"id": "f90bef5c-1a2b-4763-9fc4-f059c6fd55ba",
"displayName": true,
"x": 100,
"y": 100
"links": [
"id": "9c179bb0-b669-4921-a380-fbd60b0a44ed",
"name": "Test Map 2",
"x": 200,
"y": 200
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "0b4078ac-f150-46d2-b320-b0a0544f8bfd",
"name": "Test Map 1",
"description": "Test Map 1",
"type": "global",
"latitude": 40.5052747,
"longitude": -111.8931252,
"zoom": 17,
"iconSize": "M",
"devices": [
"id": "f90bef5c-1a2b-4763-9fc4-f059c6fd55ba",
"displayName": true,
"latitude": 40.5052747,
"longitude": -111.8931252
"links": [
"id": "9c179bb0-b669-4921-a380-fbd60b0a44ed",
"name": "Test Map 2",
"latitude": 40.7765786,
"longitude": -112.0028844
Update a map
- Local
- Global
PUT{{system_id}}/maps/{{map_id}} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "Test Map 1",
"description": "Test Map 1",
"partitions": ["619cceb0-ac58-4b15-a8ec-32efcb0476ba"],
"type": "local",
"image": "",
"opacity": 100,
"devices": [
"id": "f90bef5c-1a2b-4763-9fc4-f059c6fd55ba",
"displayName": true,
"x": 100,
"y": 100
"links": [
"id": "9c179bb0-b669-4921-a380-fbd60b0a44ed",
"name": "Test Map 2",
"x": 200,
"y": 200
Parameter | Location | Type | Required | Description |
system_id | Path | String | Yes | The system ID. |
map_id | Path | String | Yes | The map ID. |
system_token | Header | String | Yes | A valid system token. |
name | Body | String | Yes | The map name. This must be unique within a system. |
description | Body | String | Yes | The map description. This must be unique within a system. |
partitions | Body | String[] | Yes | The partition IDs associated with this map. |
type | Body | String | Yes | The map type. Possible values include local and global . |
image | Body | String | Yes | The map image encoded as a data URL. |
opacity | Body | Integer | No | The image opacity. Adjusting the opacity may help improve the readability of overlaid text. The minimum value is 0 (default) and the maximum value is 100. While not strictly required, this value should always be specified since the image will otherwise be invisible by default. |
iconSize | Body | String | No | The icon size. Possible values include S , M , and L . |
devices | Body | Object[] | Yes | An array of devices and their accompanying coordinates. | | Body | String | Yes | The device ID. |
devices.displayName | Body | Boolean | Yes | Whether the device name should be displayed alongside the icon. |
devices.x | Body | Integer | Yes | The horizontal pixel coordinate of the device relative to the top left of the image. |
devices.y | Body | Integer | Yes | The vertical pixel coordinate of the device relative to the top left of the image. |
links | Body | Object[] | Yes | An array of linked maps and their accompanying coordinates. | | Body | String | Yes | The linked map ID. |
links.x | Body | Integer | Yes | The horizontal pixel coordinate of the linked map relative to the top left of the image. |
links.y | Body | Integer | Yes | The vertical pixel coordinate of the linked map relative to the top left of the image. |
PUT{{system_id}}/maps/{{map_id}} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "Test Map 1",
"description": "Test Map 1",
"type": "global",
"latitude": 40.5052747,
"longitude": -111.8931252,
"zoom": 17,
"devices": [
"id": "f90bef5c-1a2b-4763-9fc4-f059c6fd55ba",
"displayName": true,
"latitude": 40.5052747,
"longitude": -111.8931252
"links": [
"id": "9c179bb0-b669-4921-a380-fbd60b0a44ed",
"name": "Test Map 2",
"latitude": 40.7765786,
"longitude": -112.0028844
Parameter | Location | Type | Required | Description |
system_id | Path | String | Yes | The system ID. |
map_id | Path | String | Yes | The map ID. |
system_token | Header | String | Yes | A valid system token. |
name | Body | String | Yes | The map name. This must be unique within a system. |
description | Body | String | Yes | The map description. This must be unique within a system. |
type | Body | String | Yes | The map type. Possible values include local and global . |
latitude | Body | Number | Yes | The latitude of the initial center position of the map. |
longitude | Body | Number | Yes | The longitude of the initial center position of the map. |
zoom | Body | Integer | Yes | The initial zoom level of the map. The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 19 . |
iconSize | Body | String | No | The icon size. Possible values include S , M , and L . |
devices | Body | Object[] | Yes | An array of devices and their accompanying coordinates. | | Body | String | Yes | The device ID. |
devices.displayName | Body | Boolean | Yes | Whether the device name should be displayed alongside the icon. |
devices.latitude | Body | Number | Yes | The latitudinal component of the device coordinate. |
devices.longitude | Body | Number | Yes | The longitudinal component of the device coordinate. |
links | Body | Object[] | Yes | An array of linked maps and their accompanying coordinates. | | Body | String | Yes | The linked map ID. |
links.latitude | Body | Number | Yes | The latitudinal component of the linked map coordinate. |
links.longitude | Body | Number | Yes | The longitudinal component of the linked map coordinate. |
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Delete a map
DELETE{{system_id}}/maps/{{map_id}} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
Parameter | Location | Type | Required | Description |
system_id | Path | String | Yes | The system ID. |
map_id | Path | String | Yes | The map ID. |
system_token | Header | String | Yes | A valid system token. |
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
List all maps
GET{{system_id}}/maps HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
Parameter | Location | Type | Required | Description |
system_id | Path | String | Yes | The system ID. |
system_token | Header | String | Yes | A valid system token. |
The response contains an array of map objects.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "0b4078ac-f150-46d2-b320-b0a0544f8bfd",
"name": "Test Map 1",
"description": "Test Map 1",
"partitions": ["619cceb0-ac58-4b15-a8ec-32efcb0476ba"],
"type": "local",
"imageUrl": "",
"opacity": 100,
"iconSize": "M",
"devices": [
"id": "f90bef5c-1a2b-4763-9fc4-f059c6fd55ba",
"displayName": true,
"x": 100,
"y": 100
"links": [
"id": "9c179bb0-b669-4921-a380-fbd60b0a44ed",
"name": "Test Map 2",
"x": 200,
"y": 200