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Version: 2.0



Credentials are used to identify individual users of an access control system. PDK supports a wide variety of credentials, including digital credentials that can be distributed through the ProdataKey app or a custom mobile app.

There are three types of credentials:

  • Card: a physical credential, such as a proximity card, key fob, sticker, wristband, or QR code.
  • Bluetooth: a digital credential that allows users to gain access by presenting a mobile device to a Bluetooth reader.
  • Mobile: a digital credential that allows users to gain access by pressing a button in the ProdataKey app or a custom mobile app.

The credential object

"id": "83481691-680a-4d8d-9352-9651d3f1753b",
"holderId": "3a1d8a29-efb3-44cf-94f2-8acbb4acf728",
"credentialNumber": 1234567,
"facilityCode": null,
"description": null,
"types": ["card"]
idStringThe credential ID.
holderIdStringThe holder ID.
credentialNumberIntegerThe credential number.
facilityCodeIntegerThe facility code number. This only applies to card credentials.
descriptionStringThe credential description. For digital credentials that have been activated, this value is set to a description of the associated mobile device.
typesString[]A list of credential types. Possible values include card for physical credentials, touch for Bluetooth credentials, and token for mobile credentials. Credentials can only be physical or digital, so if card is present in the list, touch and token are ignored.

Basic Endpoints

Create a credential


POST{{system_id}}/holders/{{holder_id}}/credentials HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
Content-Type: application/json

"types": ["card"],
"credentialNumber": 1234567
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
holder_idPathStringYesThe holder ID.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.
typesBodyString[]YesA list of credential types. Possible values include card for physical credentials, touch for Bluetooth credentials, and token for mobile credentials. Credentials can only be physical or digital, so if card is present in the list, touch and token are ignored.
credentialNumberBodyIntegerSometimesThe credential number. This value is required for card credentials and must be omitted for digital credentials, since it will be set automatically once a digital credential is accepted. This value must be unique among all other credential numbers on the cloud node.
facilityCodeBodyIntegerNoThe facility code number. This only applies to card credentials.
descriptionBodyStringNoThe credential description. This value is only configurable for card credentials. The maximum length is 255 characters.
sendEmailBodyBooleanNoWhether or not to send a ProdataKey app activation email. This only applies to digital credentials. The default value is true. If set to false, the activation process must be handled by the partner application using the inviteId provided in the response.


The response contains the ID of the newly created credential object.

HTTP/1.1 201 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"id": "83481691-680a-4d8d-9352-9651d3f1753b"

Retrieve a credential


GET{{system_id}}/holders/{{holder_id}}/credentials/{{credential_id}} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
holder_idPathStringYesThe holder ID.
credential_idPathStringYesThe credential ID.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.


The response contains a credential object.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"id": "83481691-680a-4d8d-9352-9651d3f1753b",
"holderId": "3a1d8a29-efb3-44cf-94f2-8acbb4acf728",
"credentialNumber": 1234567,
"facilityCode": null,
"description": null,
"types": ["card"]

Update a credential

Once a credential is created, its properties can't be updated, with the exception of the types property of a digital credential.


PUT{{system_id}}/holders/{{holder_id}}/credentials/{{credential_id}} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
Content-Type: application/json

"types": ["touch", "token"]
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
holder_idPathStringYesThe holder ID.
credential_idPathStringYesThe credential ID.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.
typesBodyString[]YesA list of credential types. Possible values include touch for Bluetooth credentials and token for mobile credentials.


The response contains the ID of the updated credential object.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"id": "83481691-680a-4d8d-9352-9651d3f1753b"

Delete a credential


DELETE{{system_id}}/holders/{{holder_id}}/credentials/{{credential_id}} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
holder_idPathStringYesThe holder ID.
credential_idPathStringYesThe credential ID.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

List all credentials


GET{{system_id}}/holders/{{holder_id}}/credentials HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
holder_idPathStringYesThe holder ID.
pageQueryIntegerNoThe zero-based page number used for pagination. The default value is 0.
per_pageQueryIntegerNoThe number of items per page used for pagination. The default value is 10 and the maximum value is 100.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.


The response contains an array of credential objects.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"id": "83481691-680a-4d8d-9352-9651d3f1753b",
"holderId": "3a1d8a29-efb3-44cf-94f2-8acbb4acf728",
"credentialNumber": 1234567,
"facilityCode": null,
"description": null,
"types": [
"id": "07a462bd-d633-4506-a753-2f878d6b6e61",
"holderId": "3a1d8a29-efb3-44cf-94f2-8acbb4acf728",
"credentialNumber": null,
"facilityCode": null,
"description": null,
"types": [

Credential Self-Help

Organizations can reduce administrative load by enabling credential self-help, which allows users to reset their digital credentials on a new mobile device (e.g. when they get a new phone). However, in order to prevent abuse, the ability to reset credentials is restricted after a certain number of requests (the default limit is 1 request per month). The endpoints below allow you to manage any self-help restrictions that are currently in force.

List all credential self-help restrictions


Authorization: Bearer {{id_token}}
id_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid ID token.
systemIdQueryStringYesThe system ID.
holderIdQueryStringYesThe holder ID.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"holderId": "asefsef-58bf-4513-a5c2-58d352cf7fc3",
"systemId": "asdfsef-68e9-4718-ab64-cd9dd64338bc",
"credentialId": "fe5f3wefasef-8263-4a3a-b508-dc56813e0seff"

Clear all credential self-help restrictions


Authorization: Bearer {{id_token}}
Content-Type: application/json

"systemId": "{{system_id}}",
"holderId": "{{holder_id}}",
"credentialId": "{{credential_id}}"
id_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid id token.
systemIdBodyStringYesThe system ID.
holderIdBodyStringYesThe holder ID.
credentialIdBodyStringNoThe credential ID.


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content