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Version: 2.0

Custom Fields


Custom fields allow users to assign custom properties to holders. For example, a custom field could be used to store an employee ID. These values can then be set and retrieved via the customFields property of the holder object. Custom fields are scoped to a partition, so each partition can have a separate set of custom fields.

The custom field object

"id": "test_custom_field",
"type": "string",
"displayName": "Test Custom Field",
"visibility": "visible"
idStringThe field ID.
typeStringThe field type. Possible values include array, boolean, enum (dropdown), number, object (field group), and string.
displayNameStringThe field display name.
requiredBooleanWhether the field is required. The default value is false.
visibilityStringThe visibility setting. Possible values include hidden, readonly, and visible. The default value is visible.
itemsObjectA custom field object that defines the properties of the items in an array field.
minLengthIntegerThe minimum number of items in an array field.
maxLengthIntegerThe maximum number of items in an array field.
valuesObject[]An array of objects representing the values in an enum (dropdown) field. Each object in the array has a required id parameter and an optional displayName parameter.
minIntegerThe minimum value in a number field.
maxIntegerThe maximum value in a number field.
decimalsIntegerThe number of decimal places allowed in a number field.
fieldsObject[]An array of custom field objects that define the child fields within an object field (field group).
regexStringA regular expression used for validation of a string field.

Basic Endpoints

Create a custom field


POST{{system_id}}/partitions/{{partition_id}}/custom-fields/single HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
Content-Type: application/json

"id": "test_custom_field",
"type": "string",
"displayName": "Test Custom Field"
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
partition_idPathStringYesThe partition ID.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.
idBodyStringYesThe field ID.
typeBodyStringYesThe field type. Possible values include array, boolean, enum (dropdown), number, object (field group), and string.
displayNameBodyStringNoThe field display name. If this value is not provided, the id will be used as the display name.
requiredBodyBooleanNoWhether the field should be required. The default value is false.
visibilityBodyStringNoThe visibility setting. Possible values include hidden, readonly, and visible. The default value is visible.
itemsBodyObjectSometimesA custom field object that defines the properties of the items in an array. This is required when type is set to array. Unlike its parent, this child object does not have an id property, but the type property is required. Possible values for the type property include boolean, enum (dropdown), number, and string.
minLengthBodyIntegerNoThe minimum number of items in an array field.
maxLengthBodyIntegerNoThe maximum number of items in an array field.
valuesBodyObject[]SometimesAn array of objects representing the values in a dropdown field. This is required when type is set to enum. Each object in the array has a required id parameter and an optional displayName parameter.
minBodyIntegerNoThe minimum value in a number field.
maxBodyIntegerNoThe maximum value in a number field.
decimalsBodyIntegerNoThe number of decimal places allowed in a number field. The minimum is 0 and the maximum is 10.
fieldsBodyObject[]SometimesAn array of custom field objects that define the child fields within a field group. This is required when type is set to object. The id and type properties are required for each child object. Possible values for the type property include boolean, enum (dropdown), number, and string.
regexBodyStringNoA regular expression used for validation of a string field. The maximum length is 255 characters.


The response contains the ID of the newly created custom field object.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"id": "test_custom_field"

Retrieve a custom field


GET{{system_id}}/partitions/{{partition_id}}/custom-fields/{{custom_field_id}} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
partition_idPathStringYesThe partition ID.
custom_field_idPathStringYesThe custom field ID.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.


The response contains a custom field object.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"id": "test_custom_field",
"type": "string",
"displayName": "Test Custom Field",
"visibility": "visible"

Update a custom field


PUT{{system_id}}/partitions/{{partition_id}}/custom-fields/{{custom_field_id}} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
Content-Type: application/json

"type": "string"
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
partition_idPathStringYesThe partition ID.
custom_field_idPathStringYesThe custom field ID.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.
typeBodyStringYesThe field type. Possible values include array, boolean, enum (dropdown), number, object (field group), and string.
displayNameBodyStringNoThe field display name. If this value is not provided, the id will be used as the display name.
requiredBodyBooleanNoWhether the field should be required. The default value is false.
visibilityBodyStringNoThe visibility setting. Possible values include hidden, readonly, and visible. The default value is visible.
itemsBodyObjectSometimesA custom field object that defines the properties of the items in an array. This is required when type is set to array. Unlike its parent, this child object does not have an id property, but the type property is required. Possible values for the type property include boolean, enum (dropdown), number, and string.
minLengthBodyIntegerNoThe minimum number of items in an array field.
maxLengthBodyIntegerNoThe maximum number of items in an array field.
valuesBodyObject[]SometimesAn array of objects representing the values in a dropdown field. This is required when type is set to enum. Each object in the array has a required id parameter and an optional displayName parameter.
minBodyIntegerNoThe minimum value in a number field.
maxBodyIntegerNoThe maximum value in a number field.
decimalsBodyIntegerNoThe number of decimal places allowed in a number field. The minimum is 0 and the maximum is 10.
fieldsBodyObject[]SometimesAn array of custom field objects that define the child fields within a field group. This is required when type is set to object. The id and type properties are required for each child object. Possible values for the type property include boolean, enum (dropdown), number, and string.
regexBodyStringNoA regular expression used for validation of a string field. The maximum length is 255 characters.


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Delete a custom field


DELETE{{system_id}}/partitions/{{partition_id}}/custom-fields/{{custom_field_id}} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
partition_idPathStringYesThe partition ID.
custom_field_idPathStringYesThe custom field ID.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

List all custom fields


GET{{system_id}}/partitions/{{partition_id}}/custom-fields HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
partition_idPathStringYesThe partition ID.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.


The response contains an array of custom field objects.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"id": "test_custom_field_1",
"type": "string",
"visibility": "visible",
"displayName": "Test Custom Field 1"
"id": "test_custom_field_2",
"type": "string",
"visibility": "visible",
"displayName": "Test Custom Field 2"

Update all custom fields


The request contains an array of custom field objects. Note that this operation will overwrite all existing custom fields.

POST{{system_id}}/partitions/{{partition_id}}/custom-fields/all HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{system_token}}
Content-Type: application/json

"id": "test_custom_field_1",
"displayName": "Test Custom Field 1",
"type": "string"
"id": "test_custom_field_2",
"displayName": "Test Custom Field 2",
"type": "string"
system_idPathStringYesThe system ID.
partition_idPathStringYesThe partition ID.
system_tokenHeaderStringYesA valid system token.


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content