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Version: 1.0

Rate Limits

Rate limits are enforced to prevent abuse and ensure fast response times for all users.


Every API response includes X-RateLimit headers, as shown in the sample response below.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
X-RateLimit-Limit: 70
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 67
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1719336041

X-RateLimit-LimitIntegerThe maximum number of similar requests allowed in a single time window.
X-RateLimit-RemainingIntegerThe number of similar requests remaining in the current time window. When this value reaches 0, subsequent requests will return a 429 response until the next time window.
X-RateLimit-ResetIntegerA Unix timestamp (in seconds) indicating when the next time window will begin.

These headers can be used to prevent rate limiting. For example, if X-RateLimit-Remaining falls below a certain threshold relative to X-RateLimit-Limit, you could pause all subsequent requests until the time specified by X-RateLimit-Reset.


If you do encounter a 429 response, we recommend retrying the request using an exponential backoff.


General Limits

HostScopeWrite LimitTotal Limit
accounts.pdk.ioApplication10 requests per second35 requests per second
panel-{{panel_id}}.pdk.ioPanel20 requests per second70 requests per second

Reporting Limits

PathScopeTotal Limit
/api/reports/*/previewPanel500 requests per day
/api/reports/*/generatePanel150 requests per day