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Version: 1.0

Postman Collection

The fastest way to get up and running with your PDK integration is by utilizing our comprehensive Postman collection, which allows you to rapidly test REST API endpoints with minimal setup.



  • You can quickly define request parameters using the comprehensive set of collection variables provided.
  • Authentication is handled automatically by a pre-request script, which retrieves fresh tokens before every request. You only need to define the client_id, client_secret, and panel_id collection variables.
  • All required parameters are pre-populated with test data, including a test_image for testing map views and profile photos.
  • When new objects are created by the Postman collection, corresponding variables are updated automatically. For example, when you create a new person, the person_id variable is automatically updated with the ID of the newly created person. This allows for rapid testing of entire user flows without having to manually update variables.
